Vanden Broele Uitgeverij - New interface for their knowledge platforms
VLAIO Ontwikkelingsproject
Chatbot technology
Product Adoption Analysis
Price setting recommendations
Performing a product adoption analysis for the company Vanden Broele Uitgeverij. Vanden Broele Uitgeverij is specifically working on the development of a new interface for their knowledge platforms: Connect 2.0. This product will, subject to the results of exploratory user research, explore the possibilities of artificial conversation partners or chatbot technology as an extension of their current knowledge platform products.
We at imec-mict-UGent are using the PSAP method to identify the product specific adoption potential, defining which features to implement, doing price setting recommendation and econometric modeling based on sales data and PSAP method, resulting in go-to-market strategy recommendations.
Partners: Vanden Broele Uitgeverij
Project Duration: started on 07/02/2019
Contact: Lieven De Marez