Universiteit Gent
Het symposium verkent hoe laagdrempelige zorg een krachtige hefboom kan zijn in het versterken van de veerkracht van onze jeugd.
Universiteit Gent
Young Scientists in magnetic resonance come together to present and interact on the use of magnetic resonance for their research during YBMRS 2024.
Universiteit Gent
The 8th Colloquium on Afrikaans and South African Studies has as its theme South African intersectional perspectives across disciplines and languages.
Universiteit Gent
This mini-symposium aims to showcase novel bioprocess concepts and synthetic biology approaches for the biorefining of waste streams.
Universiteit Gent
Kick-off HINT.GENT and keynote lecture ‘Towards acceptable AI in Healthcare’ by prof Tom Braekeleirs
Universiteit Gent
Science for health, where biology meets technology! This year's edition focuses on AI, Data & Digitalization, organised by MEDVIA and BioWin.
Universiteit Gent
As a result of a PhD-defense within shoulder rehabilitation under the supervision of Prof Ann Cools, ACREHAB together with the Schoudernetwerk Vlaanderen is ...
Universiteit Gent
Annual international conference of the Ghent University Africa Platform, this year in collaboration with CliMigHealth, UNU-CRIS and CESSMIR.
Universiteit Gent
Slotsymposium van het PrOFS project – preventie van fraude in de sport - met voorstelling van alle resultaten en tools.
Universiteit Gent
Internationale toponderzoekers en lokale experts delen hun bevindingen over tweedetaalverwerving en taaltoetsing.