Workshop 'Meet the PhD jury: Calves are the future, from the individual to the herd: diagnostic tests in action!'

Voor wie
Medewerkers , Studenten
24-09-2024 van 13:00 tot 15:30
Leszaal buitenpraktijk, faculteit diergeneeskunde, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke
Door wie
Department of Internal Medicine, Reproduction and Population Medicine - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Short lecture by Prof Sebastien Buczinski, a worldwide authority in calf health and diagnostics, followed by discussion with PhD students on their own work.

Prof. Sebastien Buczinski is an expert in bovine ultasonography and veterinary diagnostics. The target audience are PhD students and senior researchers active in the fields of calf health, bovine medicine and herd health (whole department of internal medicine, reproduction and population medicine of our faculty and beyond (bacteriology, pathology, surgery,).

Prof Buczinski will give a short seminar after which the PhD students will briefly present (2 slide pitch) their work followed by a discussion with prof. Buczinski. This will be a combination of group discussion.