Advanced three-dimensional insight leads the way to ultrasound-guided interventional cardiology in horses

Vernemmen, Ingrid
Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Vakgroep Interne Geneeskunde, Voortplanting en Populatiegeneeskunde
Ingrid Vernemmen was born on October 9, 1995 in Bonheiden. After completing secondary education at Ursulinen Mechelen, studying Latin- Sciences, she started studying Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University in 2013. In 2019, she obtained her Master's degree in Veterinary Medicine (Research) with the highest distinction.
Academische graad
Doctor in de diergeneeskundige wetenschappen
Taal proefschrift
Prof. dr. G. van Loon, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGhent - Prof. dr. A. Decloedt, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGhent - Prof dr. W. Van den Broeck, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGhent

Korte beschrijving

Catheter-based procedures are commonly performed in humans and small animals to characterize and treat cardiac disease. The implementation of these catheter-based interventions in equine cardiology is hampered by several aspects, such as vascular access, imaging guidance and the availability of appropriate medical devices. In contrast to human and small animal medicine, fluoroscopy does not provide adequate guidance for catheter placement in equine cardiology. By exploring other imaging modalities for guiding catheter-based procedures, opportunities can be created to expand the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities within equine cardiology.


Vrijdag 27 september 2024, 16:30
kliniekaud A, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke

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