Master of Science in Industrial Pharmacy, Ghent University, 2020;
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Care, Ghent University, 2019;
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ghent University, 2017
Academische graad
Doctor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen
Taal proefschrift
Vertaling titel
Vooruitgangen in Continue Directe Compressie: Surrogaat Materiaalstudies en nieuwe PAT Toepassingen.
Prof. dr. Thomas De Beer, UGent-Farmaceutische Analyse - Prof. dr. Valérie Vanhoorne, UGent-Geneesmiddelenleer
Prof. dr. Chris Vervaet, UGent-Geneesmiddelenleer - Prof. dr. Katrien Remaut, UGent-Geneesmiddelenleer - Dr. Anna Novikova, Fette Compacting GmbH, Germany - Dr. Zhenqi Shi, Genentech, A member of Roche Group, United States of America - Dr. Ko Cattoor, J&J Innovative Medicine - Dr. Daniel Markl, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Faculteit Farmaceutische Wetenschappen - Auditorium B - Andreas Vesalius,
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