Lezing 'Narratives and Objects in a Museal Oral Ecolit-Lab: Ecological Sustainability in East-African Literary scholarship and Ghent University Curricula'

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Alumni , Journalisten , Medewerkers , Privépersonen , Studenten
13-06-2024 van 12:00 tot 16:30
Faculteitszaal, Blandijn, 1e verdiep, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent
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African Studies - Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

This lecture by Prof Peter Wasamba (University of Nairobi) forms the first activity in the Short Training Programme (funded by VLIR-UOS Global Minds) focused on ecological sustainability in literary and museal studies from an East-African perspective.

The programme consists of academic lectures, workshops and a lab, working towards an exhibition in the course of 2024-2025.

The activities that involve the expertise of 4 East-African scholars, can be attended separately.

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