Lezing 'Meet the PhD Jury: novel evolutions in histology teaching and research'
- Voor wie
- Alumni , Medewerkers , Privépersonen , Studenten
- Wanneer
- 10-12-2024 van 14:00 tot 16:00
- Waar
- Vergaderzaal Morfologie, entrance 22, first floor, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke
- Voertaal
- Engels
- Door wie
- Vakgroep Morfologie, Beeldvorming, Orthopedie, Revalidatie en Voeding - Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
- Contact
- ward.despiegelaere@ugent.be
This event will discuss novel approaches in teaching histology and also using free AI-tools to analyze histopathological samples
14:00 - Dr. Iuliana Cazimir, titel: Teaching Histology in a fast-evolving world: with Students for Students
14:30 - Coffee and network moment with the speakers
15:00 - Dr. Constance de Meeûs, titel: AI-driven image analysis in histopathology: exploring research applications
15:45 - Closing remarks and network moment with the speakers