Lezing 'Linked Data & SOLID '

Voor wie
Alumni , Bedrijven , Medewerkers
26-09-2024 van 17:30 tot 21:00
lokaal 0.1 - lokaal UGain, Technologiepark 60, 9052 Zwijnaarde
Door wie
UGain - UGent Academie voor Ingenieurs - Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Let this course guide you through the world of Linked Data and Social Linked Data (SOLID).

This course will dive into creating interoperability across multiple servers and organizations, on multiple levels. We will learn how to carefully reuse domain models where possible, and how to define your own terms where necessary, according to the latest state of the art in Linked Data.

Solid applies Linked Data on personal data management: instead of having to store user data on your own servers, you can rely on a storage provider that speaks the Solid specification. Challenges that can be solved with Linked Data arise from the moment multiple apps read and write from the same storage.

Techniques will be discussed to provide cross-app interoperability across open, shared, as well as personal knowledge graphs.

Lessons 1 and 12 are given from 17:30 till 21:00 at Technologiepark Zwijnaarde. The other lessons are given online from 19:00 till 22:00..