Lezing 'Meet the PhD Jury: Evolution and Research of Modern Cartography'

Voor wie
Medewerkers , Studenten
24-06-2024 van 16:00 tot 17:30
S8 (lecture room 2.4), Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent (Building S8)
Door wie
Department of Geography - Faculty of Sciences

This lecture discusses the progression of cartography from traditional to modern approaches (including augmented and potential brain-computer interfaces).

Georg Gartner is a Full Professor of Cartography at the Vienna University of Technology. In his lecture, he will discuss the shift in cartography from traditional map-making to dynamic, service-oriented models. He will emphasize the evolving role of maps in meeting the deep-rooted human need for spatial information, facilitated by advancements in technology such as augmented reality and potential brain-computer interfaces.

This shift is directing cartographic research towards more personalized, user-centric approaches that integrate closely with human sensory and cognitive systems, redefining how spatial data is processed and presented.