Workshop 'Netnography unravelled'

Voor wie
Medewerkers , Privépersonen
20-09-2024 van 09:00 tot 16:30
Lokaal 1.10, T2 - Technicum blok 2 , Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent
Door wie
Vakgroep Communicatiewetenschappen - Faculteit Politieke en Sociale wetenschappen

A workshop for researchers on the cutting-edge method 'netnography,' where you will gain both practical and theoretical knowledge.

Netnography is a cutting-edge qualitative method, adapting ethnographic techniques to the digital landscape, allowing researchers to explore cultural experiences as reflected in social media traces, networks, and systems.

We invite Dr. Rossella Gambetti to share her insights in this method in an interactive full-day workshop. Prof. Gambetti is an expert in netnography with both extensive academic and practical experience in the field.

Throughout the workshop, participants will learn how to use techniques like immersion and immersive journaling and to capture "deep data" for meaningful analysis.

By the end of the workshop, participants will have a clear understanding of netnographic theory and will be well-equipped to conduct their own netnographic research.

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