Filmvoorstelling 'Film and contentious politics in Senegal: Seminar and Screening'

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Alumni , Bedrijven , Journalisten , Medewerkers , Privépersonen
28-03-2025 van 13:00 tot 16:00
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Department of Conflict and Development Studies - Faculty of Political and Social Sciences

Seminar and Screening of Baanum Nafi ( Nafi's Father) by Professor and Filmmaker Mamadou Dia

Mamadou Dia is a Senegalese award-winning film director, screenwriter, former journalist, and professor at the University of Virginia, US. He will give a seminar at the Department of Conflict & Development on the role of filmmaking in understanding contentious politics, in this cas,e politico-religious extremism.

Based on his internationally awarded film “Baamum Nafi”, shot in his own hometown in Northern Senegal, Prof. Dia will discuss how filmmaking can open new avenues to locally discuss, and understand from the bottom-up, the impact of global political dynamics on our community relations and family dynamics.

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