Symposium 'Renewable Recources and Biorefineries'
- Voor wie
- Alumni , Bedrijven , Medewerkers , Privépersonen
- Wanneer
- 02-06-2025 11:00 tot 04-06-2025 11:00
- Waar
- Turku City Theatre, Finland, Itäinen Rantakatu 14, Turku, Finland
- Voertaal
- Engels
- Door wie
- Synthesis, Bioresources and Bioorganic Chemistry Research Group (SynBioC) - Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
- Contact
- Website
Call for abstracts at the International Conference on Renewable Recources and Biorefineries at Turku, Finland. Deadline is 1 April 2025.
Come & experience the bioeconomy in action in Turku (Finland) and take the opportunity to network with 'biopreneurs' via poster or a biobased booth or be one of the 70 speakers and share your scientific achievements. Delegates from university, industry, governmental an non-governmental organizations and venture capital providers will present their views on industrial biotechnology, sustainable (green) chemistry and agricultural policy related to the use of renewable raw materials for non-food applications and energy supply.
The conference further aims at providing new developments of scientific, technical, economic, environmental and social issues of renewable resources and biorefineries in order to give an impetus to the biobased economy. The conference consists of plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions, exhibition and a biobased market.
This 21st edition is expected to welcome about 300 international participants from over 30 countries.