Lezing 'Meet the PhD Jury: Interplay between retinal regeneration and inflammatory response to injury'
- Voor wie
- Medewerkers , Studenten
- Wanneer
- 11-12-2024 van 11:30 tot 12:30
- Waar
- UGent-VIB-onderzoeksgebouw, Technologiepark 71, 9052 Zwijnaarde
- Voertaal
- Engels
- Door wie
- Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology - Faculty of Sciences & Department of Biomolecular Medicine - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Contact
- kris.vleminckx@ugent.be
Lecture by Prof Muriel Perron (University of Paris-Saclay)
Using both Xenopus and the mouse as animal models, Dr. Perron studies the mechanisms underlying the development, survival and regeneration of retinal cells, with the objective of therapeutic strategies, including neuroprotection, gene therapy and cell therapy. She will present her recent work describing an unexpected role for inflammation in the regeneration of the retina after injury.