Symposium 'Meet the PhD Jury: Skeletal muscle biology in relation to exercise and health'

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Medewerkers , Studenten
19-06-2024 van 14:00 tot 16:30
Auditorium A, K3, Campus UZ Gent, 9000 Ghent
Door wie
Department of Movement and Sports Sciences - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Four experts on skeletal muscle biology and physiology will share their latest research on muscle in relation to health, exercise and disease.

Symposium with presentations of four experts in the field of skeletal muscle biology:

  • Assoc Prof Thomas E. Jensen (University of Copenhagen): "Muscle Growth and Metabolism – From Bedrest to Beach body"
  • Prof Vanessa Dubois (Ghent University): "Sex hormone action on skeletal muscle"
  • Assist Prof Rob Wüst (VU Amsterdam): "Skeletal muscle function and post-exertional malaise in patients with Long-COVID"
  • Dr. Boel De Paepe (Ghent University): "Osmolytes as supportive treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Can animal models turn challenges into opportunities?"

Researchers and students are welcome, and there will be ample time for Q&A with the speakers.