About us
Neuroscience techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the measurement of electrophysiological brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) have made a significant advance in the scientific study of human cognition and cognitive processes. As a result, neuroscience and cognitive psychology in many sub-disciplines are no longer separate and isolated domains in science are integrated into the common knowledge field of Cognitive Neuroscience.
In the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University, there is a strong focus on cognitive neuroscience. The Departments of Experimental Psychology (PP02), Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology (PP05), and Data Analysis (PP01) are active within this domain. The Center for Cognitive Neuroscience bundles the expertise of the different departments with the following aims:
1. Scientific
On a scientific level, the main goal is to produce and share knowledge. This knowledge building and exchange is situated on both a substantive theoretical level and a methodological level.
2. Technical
The purchase, use, and maintenance of equipment for TMS, EEG, and eye-tracking. For fMRI, we closely collaborate with the Ghent Institute for Functional and Metabolic Imaging (GIfMI).
3. Interdisciplinary
CCN provides a point of contact for both internal and external researchers. In this context, CCN aims to emphasize the specific role and expertise of psychology in the broad field of neuroscience.
Within UGent, CCN further aims to support, guide and provide infrastructure for new cooperation initiatives for neuroscientific research in psychology as cognitive neuroscience is situated in an interdisciplinary context.
The activities of CCN are coordinated by faculty members from the department of experimental psychology (PP02), the department of data analysis (PP01) and the department of experimental clinical and health psychology (PP05).
Annually CCN organizes 2-4 Special Invited Talks in the series of Van Biervliet lectures.
Jules-Jean Van Biervliet (1859-1945) was the first professor in psychology at Ghent University. He was a doctor in arts and philosophy, candidate in medicine and doctor in physical sciences. In 1890 Van Biervliet founded the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology at Ghent University, the first in Belgium and one of the first in Europe. Van Biervliet was inspired by the experimental psychological work of Wilhelm Wundt which he visited for a research stay in 1891.