Publications 2002
Antrop, I., Buysse, A., Roeyers, H. & Van Oost, P. (2002). Stimulation seeking and hyperactive behavior in children with ADHD: A re-analysis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 95, 1, 71-90.
Antrop, I., Roeyers, H., Buysse, A., & Van Oost, P. (2002). De stimulatiezoekende functie van hyperactief gedrag bij kinderen met ADHD. Signaal, 11, 39, 4-19.
Antrop, I., Roeyers, H., Oosterlaan, J., Van Oost, P. (2002). Agreement between parent and teacher ratings of disruptive behavior disorders in children with clinically diagnosed ADHD. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 24, 1, 67-73.
Bal, S., Van Oost, P., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., & Crombez, G. (2002). De mediërende rol van vermijding bij stress-gerelateerde problemen. Gedrag & Gezondheid, 30, 1, 3-16.
Beckers, T., De Houwer, J., & Eelen, P. (2002). Automatic integration of non-perceptual action effect features: The case of the associative affective Simon effect. Psychological Research, 66, 3, 166-173.
Crombez, G., & Eccleston, C. (2002). To express or suppress may be function of other’s distress. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 25, 4, 457.
Crombez, G., Eccleston, C., Van den Broeck, A., Van Houdenhove, B., & Goubert, L. (2002). The effects of catastrophic thinking about pain upon attentional interference by pain: no mediation of negative affectivity in healthy volunteers and in low back pain patients. Pain. Research and Management, 7, 1, 31-39.
Crombez, G., Eccleston, C., Vlaeyen, J., Vansteenwegen, D., Lysens, R. & Eelen, P. (2002). Exposure to Physical Movements in Low Back Pain Patients: Restricted Effects of Generalisation. Health Psychology, 21, 6, 573-578.
De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Brug, J., Vandelanotte, C., Van Oost, P. (2002). Differences in impact between a family versus an individual based tailored intervention to reduce fat intake. Health Education Research, 17, 435-449.
De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Crombez, G., Deforche, B., Vinaimont, F., Debode, P. & Bouckaert, J. (2002). Effects of distraction on treadmill running time in severely obese children and adolescents. International Journal of Obesity, 26, 8, 1023-1029.
De Houwer, J. (2002). Forward blocking depends on retrospective inferences about the presence of the blocked cue during the elemental phase. Memory and Cognition, 30, 1, 24-33.
De Houwer, J. (2002). The Implicit Association Test as a tool for studying dysfunctional associations in psychopathology: Strengths and limitations. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 33, 2, 115-133.
De Houwer, J., & Beckers, T. (2002). A review of recent developments in human contingency learning research. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology-B, 55, 4, 289-310.
De Houwer, J., & Beckers, T. (2002). Higher-order retrospective revaluation in human causal learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology-B., 55, 2, 137-151.
De Houwer, J., & Beckers, T. (2002). Second-order backward blocking and unovershadowing in human causal learning. Experimental Psychology, 49, 1, 27-33.
De Houwer, J., Beckers, T., & Glautier, S. (2002). Outcome and cue properties modulate blocking. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology - A, 55, 3, 965-985.
De Houwer, J., Hermans, D., Rothermund, K., & Wentura, D. (2002). Affective priming of semantic categorization responses. Cognition and Emotion, 16, 5, 643-666.
De Houwer, J., & Randell, T. (2002). Attention to primes modulates affective priming of pronunciation responses. Experimental Psychology, 49, 3, 163-170.
de Jong, J., Goubert, L., Vlaeyen , J.W.S, Crombez, G. (2002). Exposure in vivo bij patiënten met chronische pijn: het veranderen van opvattingen over pijn en letsel. Gedragstherapie, 35, 49-69.
De Raedt R., Schacht, R., Cosyns, P, & Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, I. (2002). Pain-provoking behaviour as a driven reaction to psychological distress: the bio-psycho-social neurotic loop model. New Ideas in Psychology, 20, 59-87.
Desoete, A. & Roeyers, H. (2002). Off-line metacognition. A domain-specific retardation in young children with learning disabilities? Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 25, 123-139.
Desoete, A, Roeyers, H., Buysse, A., & De Clercq, A. (2002). Dynamic Assessment of metacognitive skills in young children with mathematics learning disabilities. In G.M. van den Aalsvoort, W.C.M. Resing, & A.J.J.M Ruijssenaars (Eds), Learning Potential Assessment and cognitive training: Actual research and perspectives in theory building and methodology, pp 307-334. Amsterdam, JAI Elsevier Science.
Desoete, A, Roeyers, H., & De Clercq, A. (2002). Assessment of off-line metacognitive skills in young children with mathematics learning disabilities. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 24, 53-69.
Desoete, A, Roeyers, H., & De Clercq, A. (2002). The measurement of individual metacognitive differences in mathematical problem solving. In S.J. Armstrong, A. Francis, M. Graff, J. Hill, S; Rayner, E.Sadler-Smith, D. Spicer, & W.C. Smith (Eds.), Learning styles reliability and validity, pp 93-102. Gent, Academia Press Scientific Publishers.
Desoete, A., Roeyers, H., Buysse, A. & De Clercq, A. (2002). Off-line metacognitie bij kinderen met rekenstoornissen. Signaal, 38, 42-55.
Dick, B., Eccleston, C., & Crombez, G. (2002). Attentional functioning in fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and musculoskeletal pain patients. Arthritis Care and Research, 47, 6, 639-644.
Goubert, L., Francken, G., Crombez, G., Vansteenwegen, D. & Lysens, R. (2002). Exposure to physical movement in chronic back pain patients: no evidence for generalization across different movements. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 4, 415-429.
Hermans, D., Crombez, G., van Rijsoort, S., & Laeremans, I. (2002). De Meta-Cognities Vragenlijst. Gedragstherapie, 35, 341-352.
Hermans, D., Crombez, G., Vansteenwegen, D., Baeyens, F., Eelen, P. (2002). Expectancy-learning and evaluative learning in human classical conditioning: differential effects of extinction. In S.P. Shohov (ED.). Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 12, pp. 17-41. Huntington, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Hermans, D., Smeesters, D., De Houwer, J., & Eelen, P. (2002). Affective priming for associatively unrelated primes and targets. Psychologica Belgica, 42, 3, 191-212.
Hermans, D., Vansteenwegen, D., Crombez, G., Baeyens, F., & Eelen, P. (2002). Expectancy-learning and evaluative learning in human classical conditioning: Affective priming as an indirect and unobtrusive measure of conditioned stimulus valence. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 3, 217-234.
Olthof, J., & Rober, P. (2002). Het Nomadische Team: op zoek naar een vruchtbaar therapeutisch narratief. Systeemtherapie, 13, 156-167.
Raymaekers, R., van der Meere, J. & Roeyers, H. (2002). Onderzoek naar autisme en toestandsregulatie. Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme, 1, 19-23.
Rober, P. (2002). Some hypotheses about hesitations and their nonverbal expression in family therapy practice. Journal of Family Therapy, 24, 2, 187-204.
Rober, P. (2002). Constructive Hypothesizing, Dialogic Understanding and the Therapist's Inner Conversation: Some Ideas about Knowing and Not-Knowing in the Family Therapy Session. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 28, 4, 467-478.
Roelands, M, Van Oost, P, Buysse, A & Depoorter, AM. (2002). Awareness among community-dwelling elderly of assistive devices for mobility and selfcare and attitudes towards their use. Social Science and Medicine, 54, 9, 1441-1451.
Roelands, M., Van Oost, P., Depoorter, AM., Buysse, A. (2002). A social cognitive model to predict the use of assistive devices for mobility and self-care in elderly people. The Gerontologist, 42, 1, 39-50.
Roeyers, H. (2002). Screening en diagnose van autismespectrumstoornissen: is "vroeger" ook "beter"? (Editoriaal). Neuron, 7, 75.
Spruyt, A., Hermans, D., De Houwer, J., & Eelen, P. (2002). On the nature of the affective priming effect: Affective priming of naming responses. Social Cognition, 20, 3, 227-256.
Stevens, V., De Bourdeaudhuij, I. & Van Oost, P. (2002). Relationship of the family environment to children’s involvement in bully/victim problems at school. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 31, 6, 419-428.
Van Damme, S., Crombez, G., Bijttebier, P., Goubert, L., & Van Houdenhove, B. (2002). A confirmatory factor analysis of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale: Invariant factor structure across clinical and nonclinical populations. Pain, 96, 3, 319-324.
Van Damme, S., Crombez, G., & Eccleston, C. (2002). Retarded disengagement from pain cues: the effects of pain catastrophizing and pain expectancy. Pain, 100, 1-2, 111-118.
Vanderplasschen, W., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Van Oost, P. (2002). Co-Ordination and Continuity of Care in Substance Abuse Treatment. An Evaluation Study in Belgium. European Addiction Research, 8 , 1, 10-21.
Vlaeyen, J.W.S., de Jong, J., Heuts, P.H.T., & Crombez, G. (2002). Graded exposure in vivo for pain-related fear. In Breivik, H., Campbell, W., & Eccleston, C. (Eds.) Clinical Pain Management: Practical Applications & Procedures. London: Arnold, 163-176.
Vlaeyen, J.W.S., de Jong, J., Sieben, J., & Crombez, G. (2002). Graded exposure in vivo for pain-related fear. In Turk, D.C. & Gatchel, R.J., (eds.) Psychological approaches to pain management. A practitioner's handbook. 2nd edition. New York: The Guilford Press, 210-233.