Research projects of the Family Lab

Reconnect Project

More information here 

Family Solidarity 2.0 project

More information here 

Parental Burn-out Project

More information here 

"DHECIPR” project

More information here 

Every Relationship Counts








The study “Every Relationship Counts” investigates associations between (minority) stress, coping and relationship outcomes. In this study we gathered data on 5813 individuals and 594 couples. We particularly focus on comparing same-sex with other-sex couples, and on the role of sexual orientation and gender identity. Read more in the technical report (that includes a summary in Dutch).


Ugent Family Lab Couple Study (part 2)

 UFLCS (deel2)






The current research aims at gaining insight into different aspects of romantic relationships: the level of relationship satisfaction, differences in opinions, misunderstanding within couples, ... Concretely, this study consists of two parts. On the one hand, you and your partner will be asked to answer a number of questions about your relationship, yourself and your general well-being. On the other hand, this study also includes an observational part in which we will ask you and your partner to have a conversation with each other about a topic that leads to differences in the relationship.

We provide a compensation of 40 euros per couple.

Only for Dutch-speaking participants!


Are you currently in a heterosexual relationship of at least 5 year, are you both over 30 years old and do you speak Dutch fluently?

Click here  (in Dutch) for more info or send an email to .


Single Case Archive


The Single Case Archive compiles clinical and empirical single case studies in the field of psychotherapy. Currently ISI published single case studies from all different psychotherapeutic orientations are being included in the database. These case studies were screened by an international group of researchers for basic information on type of study, patient, therapist and therapy. The objective of this online archive is to facilitate the study of case studies for research, clinical and teaching purposes. With an easy to use search engine, the archive allows the quick identification of relatively homogenous sets of cases in function of specific clinical or research questions.


Every Relationship Counts: a quantitative study on couple dynamics in LGBTs (lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgenders) and heterosexuals. More than 5000 individuals and 500 couples took part in this study.






ACCOMPLISSHACcelerate CO-creation by setting up a Multi-actor PLatform for Impact from Social Sciences and Humanities

An European project on the potential role of co-creation (i.e., innovative collaboration with stakeholders) to enable the societal impact of research within Social Sciences and Humanities





Mentally is an European project that focuses on strengthening policy measures related to mental health care.

More information here.



 Logo FittiF


Families in transition, transition in Families: A strategic basic research on the impact of social interventions in the judiciary, economy and education on the quality of life of families in transition



Parenthood research

Goa project



Parenthood Research: An empirical bioethics approach to parenthood after medically assisted reproduction: a combined ethical and psychological approach to understand genetic and social parenthood.

 More information here.


UGent Family Lab Couple Study

 Logo Partneronderzoek

We are continuously searching for couples and individuals who want to participate in future studies on romantic relationships at the 'Familylab' of Ghent University. These studies mostly consist of self-report questionnaires, diaries or interviews about the relationship. Sometimes we ask couples if we can observe their interactions. The studie are always in accordance with scientific and ethical guidelines, and after approval by a (medical) ethical committee.

Are you over 18, are you in a (heterosexual) relationship and do you like to participate in one or more of these future studies (either with or without your partner)?


You will be contacted with more information if a new study starts. Afterwards, you can decide whether you like to participate or not.



Logo Sexpert


Sexpert - Sexual Health in Flanders: A large-scale quantitative research project on the sexual health of people living in Flanders, Turkish and Moroccan ethnic minorities, and sexual minorities.

Website Sexpert





IPOS - Research on Divorce in Flanders: This interdisciplinary research project explored the optimalization of divorce trajectories.