Dr. Sofie Boterberg
Sofie Boterberg, clinical psychologist, works as a FWO Flanders junior postdoctoral researcher at the Developmental Disorders research group at Ghent University.
Her research interest mainly concerns early detection of autism and more specifically the phenomenon of 'regression' or loss of skills. During her PhD research, she collaborated with leading researchers from the MIND Institute in Sacramento, USA (led by Dr. Sally Ozonoff). Within her postdoctoral mandate, she continues to research regression and the role of restrictive and repetitive behavior. Her research focuses mainly on (young) children and adolescents. With this research she tries to contribute to new theoretical insights as well as guidelines for clinical practice.
Sofie Boterberg is also ADOS-2 trainer since 2019 in Flanders (Sig vzw) and the Netherlands (Accare). In addition, she also finds it important to transfer the diagnostic knowledge, which she has gained during her research, through training to professionals in clinical practice and all other individuals who have a connection with autism.
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sofie-boterberg-a109a197/
Personal ResearchGate page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sofie-Boterberg