Prof. Dr. Annemie Desoete
Annemie Desoete is hoogleraar met veel ervaring in onderzoek naar vroege kenmerken van leerstoornissen (dyscalculie, dyslexie). Ze voert verder onderzoek naar comorbiditeit (met DCD, ASD), opportunities en propensities, number sense/ numeracity, motivatie, metacognitie/executieve functies, begrijpend lezen en spelling, kloklezen en breuken, serious games, M-decreet...
Ze was promotor of copromotor van diverse proefschriften die met success verdedigd werden:
• Pieter Stock : Prenumeric markers for arithmetic (2008)
• Mieke Meirsschaut: The social communication and interaction between a mother and her Young child with autism spectrum disorder (2010)
• Leentje Deschuymer: From dyadic to triadic competence, from preverbal to verbal skills, from infant to toddler: longitudinal studies in preterm and full term children (2010)
• Tinneke Moyson: Quality of life of siblings of children with a disability (2011)
• Zhao Ningning: Mathematics learning performance and mathematics learning difficulties in China (2011).
• Mieke Dereu: Early signs of autism spectrum disorders in infants and toddlers (2011).
• Stefanie Pieters: The relationship between motor and mathematical problems in elementary school children (2012)
• Frauke De Weerdt: Working memory, inhibition and naming speed in children with learning disabilities (2012)
• Tinneke Hellinckx: Fine Motor skills and handwriting in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (2012)
• Elise Burny : Time-related competences in primary education (2012)
• Hendrik Van Steenbrugge: Teaching fractions in elementary school (2012)
• Daisy Titeca: Early numerical competencies and mathematical abilities in children with autism spectrum disorder (2014)
• Annelies Ceulemans: Small numbers and numerical interaction: The building blocks of early numerical competencies? (2014)
• Magda Praet : Driving Forces behind Arithmetic: their evolution from kindergarten to grade 2 (2014)
Ze is de promotor/copromotor van de volgende proefschriften:
• Elke Baten : The role of motivation, communication, self-compassion and well-being in (a)typical numerical skills
• Marieke Coussens: participation of young children with ADHD and/or DCD and/of ASD
Meer informatie:
Ze hielp mee aan documentaires over dyscalculie en dyslexie.
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