FAQ - Ghent University exchange application

Need more information for your application at Ghent University? Read these FAQs

How can I be nominated?

Students who wish to apply as an incoming exchange student (for courses) at Ghent University, should be nominated first. Please contact your home university's international office. They can nominate you.
Nominations done by the students themselves are not accepted.

Can I apply as a "free mover" for courses?

No. Ghent University can't accept free movers (study exchange student without a bilateral agreement between both universities).

Where can I apply as an incoming exchange student at Ghent University?

Check the application procedure and read this carefully.  You'll find a lot of information there.
When registering in Oasis for the first time, please make sure to do this as "New at Ghent University" student (right column, bottom button).

I am a PhD student, registered at my home university and I would like to do a (short) exchange at Ghent University. How do I proceed?

The procedure to apply as an exchange PhD candidate is on this webpage. For general information and questions on (exchange) PhD,  you can contact phdexternalfunding@ugent.be

Oasis requires that I put in my address in Ghent, but I don’t have a room yet. How can I proceed?

You don’t have to complete this, it’s not required. What is required is that you have to mark your home address as correspondence address until you have an address in Ghent.

Should I complete the national number (Belgian) in Oasis?

No, it's not required. You will only get this number when you register in the Belgian registry.

I can’t find my home university in the Oasis list. How can I proceed?

If you can’t find your home university in the OASIS list then the agreement between our universities is not confirmed. Contact international@ugent.be to check the IIA agreements, or your home university.

What mobility type should I select?

You can find the different types of mobility here. If you will take courses, select “courses (incl. master thesis)” type.

Which documents should I upload in the Document Section?

The required documents are the Transcript of records (list of results of previous semesters) and, if you are not working with Online Learning Agreements (OLA/DLA), the learning agreement. If you can't select "learning agreement", you should work with OLA.
All other document types (in Oasis) are not required for incoming students.

What are the semester dates for my exchange?

Check the academic calendar and use these dates for your study exchange.  Internship and research mobilities have other dates.
All incoming exchange students and degree students are invited to the Welcome days organised by the faculties and the International Support Team. These are usually scheduled from Wednesday to Friday the week before the official start.
In September 2024, the Welcome Days are Wednesday 18 - Friday 20 September. The faculty can also organize welcome days.

Where can I find the course list?

Exchange programmes at Ghent University

Can I take courses of more than 1 faculty?

The general rule is that you take the majority of your courses at the faculty where you apply to. For all questions about academic matters (learning agreement, courses, exams, etc.) you can contact the faculty international officer of the faculty you are applying to. You can find their contact details here. Please contact the 'FCI administrator'.

Are there language requirements?

Each faculty handles different requirements. Please check here: Language requirements

What are the prerequisites to take courses?

You can find this in the study guide. If you can't find it, please contact the faculty coordinator.

I am completing the Online learning agreement. Whose details should I complete for the responsible person?

Please complete the details of your faculty coordinator.

I received an e-mail to complete a new exchange application but I already have an application. How can I proceed?

A double application was created when your home university sent the Digital Learning Agreement to us and you already registered in Oasis. Please click the link in this e-mail and both profiles and applications will be merged. 
In some cases you will end up with a double application because of a slightly different name (accent, hyphen,...). Because of this, two profiles were created. Please contact international@ugent.be to merge your accounts.

I have several applications in Oasis for several learning agreements (Erasmus + mobilities)

Ghent University only accepts one learning agreement per mobility. Once a learning agreement is signed by yourself and your home university it is shared with Ghent University. Make sure to continue working on it and never create a new profile/learning agreement in the Online Learning Agreement or tool at your home university. Please contact international@ugent.be in case you did create more than one Learning Agreement at your home university.

I don't have a Digital Learning Agreement (yet). How can I finalize my application before the deadline?

Sending a Digital Learning Agreement is only for partner university students within the Erasmus programme. It may also be possible that your home university is not using EWP (and thus OLA/DLA) and in case you don't have your OLA (Online Learning Agreement) or DLA (Digital Learning Agreement), or it's not possible to send this before the deadline of 15 May, you can upload a pdf version of your learning agreement in the Document Section.
If you can’t opt for the “learning agreement” type, please choose “Other” and let us know. We'll change the document type and inform you. You might still receive an error that the Digital Learning Agreement is missing, but you'll be able to proceed and submit your exchange application.

Can I add my study programme in the Oasis application?

As of 1st of June, the courses will be available in Oasis. In the meantime, you can upload a learning agreement in the Document section (where you also upload your Transcript of Records). If this is done, you can skip the study programme section in the application. You will be able to submit when the required information is completed and the documents uploaded.

My (Online) Learning Agreement is sent/uploaded in the application. Is my application finalized?

No. You still have to submit your application. Only when the application is submitted, our faculty coordinators will be able to process your application.

Do I have to wait for the signature of UGent on the Learning agreement to submit my application?

No. The learning agreement should be signed and approved by you and your home university when sent to Ghent University. The UGent signature will be done when the application is accepted.
Sometimes your application is accepted, and our faculty coordinator will ask you to do some changes to the learning agreement before it can be signed. You will receive e-mails when this is the case.

My application is submitted, but I received a request to change my learning agreement from the UGent faculty coordinator. Do I have to finalize the changes to this learning agreement before the application deadline?

No, not before the application deadline. But please do this as soon as possible.

I submitted my application. When will I receive the acceptance letter?

The exchange application deadline is May 15th (November 15th for semester 2) and our faculties need some time to handle all the applications. Because of the amount of applications we receive this process can take some time. Once you are accepted you will receive your invitation letter by email.

Can I apply for a room before after I submitted my exchange application?

Room applications for a Ghent University residence room are also done in Oasis. As soon as you submitted the exchange application, you can start the room application (which opens 1 May). The allocation of the room is done only after your exchange application is accepted by the faculty coordinator. This can take some time.
All questions concerning housing should be sent to the Housing Office, not to the International Support Team.

I submitted my room application. When will I get confirmation?

The allocation of the rooms is done by the Housing Office. They are processing all room applications and will only be able to allocate the rooms (confirm) in June. Please don't send e-mail to inquire about the status of your room application.

When and how can I enrol?

The enrolment is the last step. This will be done by our colleagues at the Enrolment Office for all incoming STUDY exchange students approximately one month before arrival. If you are an INTERNSHIP exchange student, or research student, the enrolment should be done by you. E-mail a scan of your ID/passport and your letter of invitation to enrol@ugent.be
Enrolments for academic year 2024-25 start 1 August 2024.

When do I get my UGent e-mail account and other account settings?

Within 1 day after the enrolment, you will receive an automatic e-mail to set your UGent account. As of then you’ll be able to log into Oasis with your UGent account and use other UGent platforms (e.g. Ufora).

Where can I find more practical information?

Practical information can be found in our International Student Guide.