Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen
[Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences]
Algemene Psychologie (eerste jaar bachelor in de psychologie) (N. Dirix) [General Psychology (first year bachelor of psychology)]
Psychologie (eerste jaar bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen) (M. Brysbaert) [Psychology (first year bachelor of educational sciences)]
Grondslagen van de psychologie (eerste jaar bachelor in de psychologie) (M. Brysbaert) [Foundation of Psychology (first year bachelor of psychology)]
Introductie cognitieve psychologie I (eerste jaar bachelor in de psychologie) (D. Talsma) [Psychonomics I (first year bachelor of psychology)]
Introductie cognitieve psychologie II (tweede jaar bachelor in de psychologie) (D. Talsma) [Psychonomics II (second year bachelor of psychology)]
Topics in Experimental Psychology (derde jaar bachelor in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (N. Böhler) [Topics in Experimental Psychology (third year bachelor of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Topics in Modelling Cognitive Psychology (eerste master in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (S. Braem) [Topics in Modelling Cognitive Psychology (first master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Topics in Applied Cognitive Psychology (tweede master in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (S. Braem) [Topics in Applied Cognitive Psychology (second master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Paradigmata van de experimentele psychologie (derde jaar bachelor in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (F. Verbruggen) [Paradigms of Experimental Psychology (third year bachelor of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Instrumenten van de experimentele psychologie (derde jaar bachelor in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (T. Verguts) [Instruments of Experimental Psychology (third year bachelor of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Neuropsychologie (tweede jaar bachelor in de psychologie) (W. Fias) [Neuropsychology (second year bachelor of psychology)]
Introduction to Neuroimaging (derde jaar bachelor in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (R. Krebs) [Introduction to Neuroimaging (third year bachelor of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Introduction to psycholinguistics (eerste master in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (L. Bogaerts) [Introduction to psycholinguistics (first master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Advances in psycholinguistics (first master in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (R. Hartsuiker) [Advances in psycholinguistics (first master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Cognitive Neurosciences (eerste master in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (E. Caspar) [Cognitive Neurosciences (first master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Modelling of Cognitive Processes (eerste master in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (T. Verguts) [Modelling of Cognitive Processes (first master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Research Project Experimental Psychology (eerste master in de psychologie, afstudeerrichting theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (L. Bogaerts) [Research Project Experimental Psychology (first master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
[Research Project Neuroscience (first master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)] (N. Böhler)
[Animal Cognition (first master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)] (F. Verbruggen)
Onderzoeksstage (tweede master in de psychologie, optie theoretische en experimentele psychologie) (R. Krebs) [Research Internship (second master of psychology, main subject: theoretical and experimental psychology)]
Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte
[Faculty of Arts and Philosophy]
Inleiding tot de psychologie (eerste jaar bachelor in de moraalwetenschappen) (W. Notebaert) [Introduction to Psychology (first year bachelor of moral sciences)]
Inleiding tot de psychologie (eerste jaar bachelor in de wijsbegeerte) (W. Notebaert) [Introduction to Psychology (first year bachelor of philosophy)]
Faculteit Recht en Criminologie
[Faculty of Law and Criminology]
Algemene Psychologie (eerste jaar bachelor in de criminologie) (W. Notebaert) [General psychology (first year bachelor in criminological sciences)]
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