Ruini Huang

I am currently conducting PhD research at the Department of Educational Studies at Ghent University and specifically within the research group culture & Education.

I obtained a master degree in Sociology of Education (Beijing Normal University), with a thesis on "A Narrative Inquiry into Romantic Relationships of Adolescents". I developed a research interest into cultural studies and the impact of social media on adolescents. In my Phd research, "A Qualitative Study into The Functions of Art Education In China," I will work on examining the ‘functions’ and ‘value’ of art education in China through case-study analysis. With an in-depth examination of the claims made within educational policy and practice for the importance of art education, I will focus on understanding the societal and educational functions of art in China and further assessing the importance of knowledge about the arts in general.

Ruini Huang



Henri Dunantlaan 2
B-9000 Ghent
Office 120.043