Admission to bachelor programme

Direct admission

If your diploma is listed here-below, you will need to start up your enrolment application online. You will be required to upload a certified true copy (copie conforme) of this diploma and its transcripts. Your diploma is considered equivalent to the Flemish diploma of secondary education and admission will be approved from as soon as your enrolment application is complete.

You need to ensure that you meet the language requirements too.

Note that certain programmes require you to participate in a positioning test or that you have passed the entrance examination and have obtained favourable ranking.

Start the application

Apply for admission

Your secondary school qualification is not on the list of equivalent secondary education qualifications (mentioned in 'Direct admission'). You cannot be granted direct admission and will need to apply.

General rule: If you can be admitted in your own country for the programme of your choice, then you may be admitted at Ghent University for that same programme. You will need to submit a complete application package, which must include one of the following:

  • A confirmation that you have been accepted at a university in your home country, for example a letter of admission/acceptance
  • A certificate of enrolment from a university in your home country
  • Proof that you have passed the first year of a university bachelor + transcripts
  • An associate degree with access to a university bachelor
Please proceed to How to apply?

Entrance examination medicine/dentistry/veterinary medicine

There is an inter-university entrance examination in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine.

If you wish to enrol for Bachelor of Science in Medicine, Bachelor of Science in Dentistry or Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Medicine, you will need to pass and have a favourable ranking. All information is available on Entrance examinations of the Flemish Community (information in Dutch only).

Mandatory positioning tests

Some programs require you to participate in a mandatory positioning test in order to enrol.