Special status for a foreign-language speaker


  • You have enrolled in Dutch-language higher education for maximum 1 year in a Dutch-language study programme or
  • You have followed maximum 3 years of Dutch-language secondary education.

Application procedure

Submit a substantiated request with the director of the Department of Educational Policy

  • Via oasis.ugent.be
  • Academic Year 2023-2024:
    No later than November 5, 2023 for the 1st term
    From February 12 to March 22, 2024 for the 2nd term
    From May 27 to June 28, 2024 for the resit examination period
    (unless impossible due to exceptional circumstances)
  • Academic Year 2024-2025:
    No later than November 5, 2024 for the 1st term
    From February 10 to March 21, 2025 for the 2nd term
    From May 26 to June 27, 2025 for the resit examination period
    (unless impossible due to exceptional circumstances)
  • Add required documentation and official certificates

The special status is granted for 1 academic year with effect from the decision date and can be granted for a maximum of the first 2 consecutive years at the UGent.


You may request following facilities:

  • 25% more time to complete a written evaluation
  • Using a translating dictionary during an evaluation
  • Possibility of 'linguistic' clarification of the question asked in an evaluation

You need to inform the lecturer(s) in charge via oasis.ugent.be which of the awarded education and/or examination facilities you wish to invoke for the course unit at hand, no later than

Academic year 2023-2024:

  • 26 April 2024 for the second semester examination period
  • 2 August 2024 for the resit examination period

Academic year 2024-2025:

  • 5 December 2024 for the first semester examination period
  • 24 April 2025 for the second semester examination period
  • 7 August 2025 for the resit examination period

If the special status is awarded later than the above-mentioned deadline you need to inform the lecturer(s) as soon as possible.

Facilities are always granted in joint consultation with the lecturer in charge. In dialogue with the faculty director of studies or the chair of the study programme committee, the lecturer in charge may refuse a facility if duly justified. S/he may do so if the essential programme competences are impaired as a result of the facility or if it is practically not feasible to grant the facility.
Rejectable facilities that have not been addressed in a timely manner by the relevant responsible lecturer(s) will be automatically approved at the start of the respective examination period.
The faculty and/or institutional ombudspersons may mediate in this procedure if necessary.

Special status students who are denied any education or examination facilities may appeal against this decision with the Institutional Appeals Committee, as stipulated in the Education and Examination Code.
Students with special status in whom the facilities granted in terms of education or examination facilities are not applied may appeal to the Institutional Appeals Committee, as stipulated in the Education and Examination Code.


On Special Status (Information sheet students) you will find a practical step-by-step plan on the application procedure and the allocation and management of facilities.

