Enrolment for course units

No residence permit

Attention! As an international student, you cannot be granted a residence permit by only enrolling for course units (credit or exam). A full time diploma contract will be required.

2 types of credit contracts

  1. Credit contract

    • You can attend classes.
    • You can use educational support facilities such as Ufora if these facilities relate to the course unit.
  2. Exam contract with the purpose of obtaining a credit certificate

    • You cannot attend classes.
    • When paying a supplement fee you can use educational support facilities such as Ufora if these facilities relate to the course unit.
    • No student card.
    • For all questions about course or teaching material,  etc. you need to contact the lecturer directly.
    • For some course units you cannot enrol for an exam contract and a credit contract is required. This is specifically required for course units such as your master dissertation and work placement. Please check the online course catalogue.

Applicable to both types:

  • No intention of obtaining a diploma (only credit certificate for the course unit).
  • You need to take into account that you take up credits in your learning account, you will lose the credits in your learning account if you do not pass the exam or if you terminate the contract.
  • In principle all course units from a bachelor, master, specific teacher training, except internship, bachelor - or master dissertation. Please check the online course catalogue.
  • For each course unit you score at least 10/20 you obtain a credit certificate
  • For course unites from a postgraduate, linking courses or preparatory courses, the faculty determines which course unites can be open to credit contracts.
  • You cannot enrol for course units from a predoctoral training programme, doctoral training programme or permanent training.
  • Limited to a maximum of 24 credits per academic year.
  • The course units do not need to be from the same study programme.
  • If you have a diploma contract already you can enrol additionally for course units not in the curriculum of your learning path.
  • If you consider a curriculum less than 60 credits it may be better to enrol for a part-time learning path (diploma contract).
  • In any one academic year, you cannot enrol for the same course unit more than once.

Did you know that?

  • As an international student, you cannot get a residence permit when you enrol for course units only.
  • A credit contract is not cheaper than a diploma contract. There is no difference in tuition fee for the number of credits that are taken up.
  • A credit contract can be used in a diploma contract the next academic year. However, if there has been a change in the programme, causing that the course units are no longer included in the study programme, it is not possible to use the obtained credits to get a degree.
  • When applying for a scholarship from the Flemish Community credits taken up in a credit contract will not be taken into account.
  • You lose your learning account for credits taken up from as soon as you are enrolled for a credit contract. When terminating the credit contract you cannot receive these credits back into your learning account. Only by obtaining a credit certificate, you replenish your learning account.
  • Even though you obtained (part of) your first 60 credits through a credit contract, they will not count double for your learning account. Only the first 60 credits obtained through a diploma contract are considered.

Admission requirements on the basis of diploma

Admission requirements for the study programme

You need to meet the admission requirements for the study programme, to which this course unit belongs.
With the exception of the master dissertation, you can be admitted for a course unit, should you not meet the admission requirements of the study programme.
You then need to contact the lecturer-in-charge for a competence assessment. The lecturer will conduct an interview, a test or will evaluate your file.

Specific requirements for the course unit

You also need to meet specific requirements for the course unit. Check the course specifications of the course unit in the online course catalogue.

How to check?

Course catalogue: Click on faculty -> Type of study programme -> Name of the study programme -> again the name the study programme-> choose the course unit.

If there are specific requirements, a preceding assessment from the learning path advisor is required. The starting competences will also be checked by the lecturer-in-charge.

Language admission requirements

Admission requirements for the study programme

If the study sheet in the Course catalogue states that access to the course unit is open, you must still meet the language admission requirements for the programme of study to which the course unit belongs.

Specific requirements for the course unit

If the credit sheet in the Course catalogue states that access to the course unit is closed, you must not only meet the language admission requirements for the program to which the course unit belongs, but also the specific language admission requirements for the course unit, in particular the initial competences of that course unit, mentioned in the credit sheet.

First, there is a mandatory advice from the supervisors of the Monitoraat and the responsible teacher.

The final admission is made by the faculty's curriculum committee.

In practice, admission takes place on the basis of diploma and language requirements together.


  • Enrolment: please note that an enrolment is provisional and pending the approval at the Faculty. If you wish to take up a credit contract please contact the faculty first. Late enrolment from 1 October is also applicable for a credit contract
  • Re-enrolling students: online at Oasis