Enrolment with Dutch diploma

Online enrolment application

There is no individual application procedure if you have direct admission, see Admission Requirements. This means that you follow the same enrolment procedure as students with a Belgian degree.

Start the enrolment application.

Final enrolment

  • Log in through Oasis. You will find instructions to finalise your enrolment under 'Status' in your enrolment application.
  • If you cannot finalise your enrolment online, email enrol@ugent.be

Before you send your mail, go to Oasis to

  • Add a passport photo
  • Check/adjust your address information

Add the following documents to your e-mail

  • Your identity card or passport
  • Your diploma (VWO, HBO propaedeutic year, Bachelor, Master).
  • If applicable: certificate of participation in a positioning test ('starttoets/ijkingstoets')
  • If applicable: certificate of success for the admission exam for medicine/dentistry/veterinary medicine ('toelatingsexamen arts/tandarts/dierenarts') + favourable ranking
  • Proof of English language skills (in case of admission to an English-language programme)

What do you add in Oasis

  • Identity card or passport
  • Original Diploma
  • Proof of success and favourable ranking for toelatingsexamen for Bachelor of Science in de geneeskunde (medicine), Bachelor of Science in de tandheelkunde (dentistry) or Bachelor of Science in de diergeneeskunde (veterinary medicine)
  • Proof of participation in a posioning test ('starttoets/ijkingstoets') if applicable. Exceptions are possible (information in Dutch).
  • Language proof Dutch or English if applicable, see language requirements. If you followed your education in Dutch and you want to enrol for a programme taught in Ducth you do not need a language proof.
  • Fill in bank account number

Specific cases

Tuition fees

Dutch students pay the same amount of tuition fee as Belgian students.

The tuition fee is paid electronically, within one month of enrolment. You will receive the invoice in your mailbox after enrolment.

The tuition fee (for a bachelor's program (Ba), master's-after-bachelor's programme (ManaBa), linking programme, preparatory programme) consists of a fixed amount and an amount depending on the number of credits taken.

The credits of all the above mentioned enrolments are added together.
So you only pay the fixed amount once.

When you enrol, you pay a standard fee.
When the curriculum is approved, an adjusted invoice will follow according to the number of credits taken.

Student card

After final enrolment you will receive a student card.

Certificate of enrolment for Foreign Office

The day after final enrolment you can download a certificate of enrolment via http://oasis.ugent.be for a.o.t. registration at the Foreign Office of the city/village where you live.

On request we can deliver a certificate instantly.
