Ellen Mertens



Ellen Mertens holds a master’s degree in Communication Sciences, specializing in communication management. For her master’s thesis she conducted research on the impact of momfluencers' breastfeeding content on their followers. Through her involvement in both her master's thesis and an internship at the research group CEPEC, she fostered a profound interest in conducting research.

In November 2023, Ellen started as a  PhD Researcher at the Department of Communication Sciences, research group CEPEC. Her research will focus on momfluencers and infant feeding choices. More specifically, she will investigate whether and how momfluencers operate as digital agents in supporting mothers in their infant feeding decisions. 

PhD Project

Mothering in the digital age: exploring the role of momfluencers as digital infant feeding agents

Supervisors: Liselot Hudders, Dieneke Van de Sompel and Emma Beuckels



Technicum, T1, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent
