Past research projects
- Cinema Located
- Standardisation and the Sound of Music
- Children as we see on television
- Cinema & Diaspora
- Steunpunt Media
- The Celebritization of the Public Sphere
- Media coverage of the EU presidency
- Soap Skilled Teenagers
- Out on Screen
- Children and media literacy
- The 'Enlightened' City
- 'Forgotten Audiences'
- Film, Genre, and Representation
- UNESCO's policy on international communication
- Gent Kinemastad
- The Online Stage
- The media (de)construction of disasters
- Panic in Context
- The role of ICT in political communication
- Complexity thinking in a post-genomic era
- European cinema in search of an audience
- The construction of a national cinema
- Forbidden Images
- Nazi Newsreels in Occupied Belgium '1940-1944'
- The Development of Television News Production and Television News as a Genre
- The Export of Fantasy
- Throwing Light onto a collective heritage
- Foreign and international news studies
- Lost in translation
- Who cares? Audiences and mediated distant suffering
- Mediated positive emotions
- (De)constructing health news