Children as we see on television

children.jpgA textual and audience study on the representation of childhood in Albanian television news

Researcher(s) (CIMS)

Emiljano Kaziaj

Supervisors (CIMS)

Sofie Van Bauwel

Funded by

Basileus / Erasmus Mundus Action 2


Since childhood has been defined as a social construction and the news has widely been recognized to play an important role in the construction of social reality, this work responds to the need to analyze the representation of childhood in the news. The starting point of this research is to build on theoretical arguments of news media in constructing social reality and childhood.

The research is conceptualized in two parts: a textual analysis of television news and an audience research part. The first will investigate the hegemonic concept of childhood presented in the news by applying textual analysis to a television news series. The aim of the second part is to get a better insight into the perception of the audiences (adults and children) on the representation of childhood in news. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be employed to research the role of news in constructing the concept of childhood. The research project focuses on the case of Albanian television news.