Elke Mahieu

Campus UFO - Technicum (ground floor T1), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent
+32 (0)495 67 50 56
Elke Mahieu acquired a Masters degree in Communication Sciences in 2016 at the University of Ghent, specialising in Journalism Studies. For her thesis in 2015, she conducted a critical discourse analysis of the representation of the African continent in the Belgian alternative magazine MO*. Afterwards, she worked as an editor at the Belgian broadcasting company VRT and worked as an intern writing articles for the Dutch magazine De Groene Amsterdammer. Since 2017 Mahieu is a PhD student, funded by the BOF, researching a project titled ‘Out of the past. A multi-methodological research project on the role and representation of the colonial past in contemporary news coverage: Africa on Belgium and vice versa.’, supervised by prof. Dr. Stijn Joye. She is a member of the Centre for Cinema and Media Studies (CIMS) and the Centre for Journalism Studies (CJS).
A full list of publications can be consulted here: Elke Mahieu