Gertjan Willems


Campus UFO - Technicum (ground floor T1), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent




Gertjan Willems is guest professor at the Centre for Cinema and Media Studies at Ghent University. He is also assistant professor at the University of Antwerp (departments of Literature and Communication Sciences), where he is affiliated to the research groups Research Center for Visual Poetics and Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center.

Willems has been guest lecturer or visiting scholar at Sichuan University, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the University of Amsterdam, the Belgian Historical Institute in Rome, the Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, and the University of York. Since 2016, he is chair of the Film Studies section of ECREA.  In 2018 he won the NeFCA Young Scholar Award

His research interests are aimed at a critical analysis of film, television, radio, literature and other forms of media and culture. He has particular research expertise in Belgian and Dutch film history, film adaptations, film policy, and the relation between media and nation-building. He is the author of a monograph on the history of film policy in Flanders (Subsidie, camera, actie! Filmbeleid in Vlaanderen (1964-2002)2017, Academia Press) and editor of European Film Remakes (with Eduard Cuelenaere and Stijn Joye, 2021, Edinburgh University Press) and an anthology on media and nation-building in Flanders (De verbeelding van de leeuw: Een geschiedenis van media en natievorming in Vlaanderen (with Bruno De Wever, 2020, Peristyle). He published various articles in journals such as the Historical Journal of Film, Radio and TelevisionJournal of Belgian HistoryCommunicationsJournal of Popular Film and Television and Literature/Film Quarterly.

A full list of publications can be consulted here: Gertjan Willems

Research Tracks

Film & Cinema


Research CIMS

Lost in translation?

Made in Flanders.

The construction of a national cinema