Sofie Van Bauwel



Campus UFO - Technicum (ground floor T1), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent


+32 (0)9 264 67 99



Sofie Van Bauwel


Sofie Van Bauwel is Full Professor at the Department of Communication studies at the Ghent University where she teaches on cultural media studies, gender and media and television studies. She is part of the CIMS and her main field of interest is gender, sexuality and media, more specific film and television. She is involved in several projects with a focus on the media as signifying articulations in visual popular culture. She was one of the founding vice-chairs of the Gender and Communication section of the European Research and Communication Association (ECREA- 2006-2012) and is member of the editorial board of the journals Feminist Media Studies and Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschappen. She is also a member of Interdisciplinary research consortium DELTA (Digital Innovation for Humans and Society). She publishes internationally and nationally on popular media, gender and popular culture.

 A full list of publications can be consulted here: Sofie Van Bauwel

Research Tracks

Gender & Sexuality 

Research CIMS

Soap Skilled Teenagers

'Forgotten Audiences'

Children and media literacy

Children as we see on television

Cinema & Diaspora

Television Representations of Disability in Flanders

Online Moralities & Sexual Reputation 

From Women's Magazines to Instagram

Out on Screen

Sexual Diversity on the Small Screen

Steunpunt Media

The mediatisation of young people’s intimate sexualities

The Online Stage

The role of ICT in political communication