The profile of the Belgian journalist


Bart Vanhaelewyn (CJS)


Sarah Van Leuven (CJS)


Karin Raeymaeckers (CJS)


This study is part of a long-standing tradition of journalist surveys organized by the Center for Journalism Studies. The first wave of this type of research dates back to 1983, and is repeated on a five-year cycle; since 2013 we collaborate with the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB, prof. dr. Florence Le Cam) and Université de Mons (prof. dr. Manon Libert) so that we can provide insights on the profile of the Belgian journalist. The survey includes questions about all aspects of the journalistic profession, including for example work conditions, sourcing practices, autonomy, and aggression/hostility towards journalists. The results of the survey are communicated to a scientific public by means of (inter)national journal articles; to journalists by means of publications in the journalists’ trade journal (De Journalist); and to the general public (online book).