Bart Vanhaelewyn

Research and teaching assistant at the research group Center for Journalism Studies of the department of Communication Sciences of Ghent University.

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Bart     |     +329 264 84 77     |    Twitter     |     LinkedIn


Trust in news
News literacy
Objectivity, subjectivity and emotionality in journalism


Bart was a teaching assistant and doctoral researcher for the Center for Journalism Studies (CJS) research group. In 2008, he obtained a Master's degree in Theoretical and Experimental Psychology, and then started working as a market researcher and business analyst at Corelio/Mediahuis, the publisher of news brands such as De Standaard and Het Nieuwsblad.

In 2014, Bart decided to join research group imec-mict-UGent as a media consumption analyst. Besides monitoring trends in media and technology, the focus was on digimeter, the annual survey on the use of media and ICT in Flanders. Bart was responsible for drafting the questionnaire, analyzing the results and writing the report.

In March 2019, Bart made the switch to research group CJS, where he assisted with teaching assignments and worked on a PhD track. In it, he focuses on climate change reporting, and more specifically on the journalistic processes behind it: what professional role do climate journalists ascribe to themselves, how much freedom do they get from the editorial staff, how does the selection of news and sources happen, and to what extent do they experience pressure from political, public or commercial corners. 

Research Projects
