Joke D'Heer

Researcher at the research group Center for Journalism Studies of the department of Communication Sciences of Ghent University.

Joke D'Heer 

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Media representation
Political news
Feminist research
Quantitative content analysis
Reconstruction interviews


Joke D'Heer received their degree in Communication Studies from the University of Ghent, majoring in Journalism. Their master's thesis dealt with the representation of women political candidates in the Flemish press. In October 2018, They started as a doctoral student at Ghent University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sarah Van Leuven and Dr. Sara De Vuyst. Their project (BOF) focuses on the representation of women politicians in the Flemish media and looks at what role the journalist plays in this. They use an intersectional perspective.





Research Projects

Navigating identities in political news: Towards a better understanding of intersectional gendering in news reporting on women politicians
