Communication Management


The specialisation in Communication Management focuses on the persuasive force of communicative messages and is supported by the CEPEC research group. Communication is a strategic tool employed by both profit and non-profit organisations in order to influence the knowledge, perceptions and behaviour of stakeholders.

In this specialisation, the processing and effectiveness of persuasive messages are seen as pivotal. We cover three important pillars of strategic communication:

  • Marketing Communication: students are taught to independently build a marketing communication plan for any type of product
  • Corporate Communication: students are taught the necessary skills, insight and attitudes that are necessary for taking on the tasks of a professional marketing communication manager
  • Market and Consumer Research: students become acquainted with current methods and techniques in marketing, consumer and innovation research through a variety of methods ranging from marketing, behavioural economics and methodology
  • Master’s Dissertation

Within each of these domains students acquire theoretical insights about how persuasive communicative messages are implemented and spread, as well as how they influence stakeholders (consumers, employers, etc.).

Special attention is paid to persuasive communication through new media, because they strongly change the way advertisers, companies and non-profit organisations communicate with stakeholders. (e.g. e-WOM, mobile marketing, e-commerce, advergames, crisis communication through social media, etc.)

Obligatory courses

In this specialization, the processing and effectiveness of persuasive messages are seen as pivotal. Students acquire theoretical insights about how persuasive communicative messages are implemented and spread, as well as how they influence different stakeholders (consumers, employers, etc.). Special attention is paid to persuasive communication through new media, because they strongly change the way advertisers, companies and non-profit organizations communicate with stakeholders.


We cover three important pillars of strategic communication:

  • Interdisciplinary consumer theory: students elaborate their knowledge about consumer behavior by developing an integrated, interdisciplinary and multi-perspective framework that extends from biology to the various social sciences (in particular psychology, sociology and (behavioral) economics). They also become acquainted with current methods and techniques in marketing, consumer and innovation research through a variety of methods ranging from marketing, behavioral economics and methodology.
  • Marketing ethics: from a critical perspective students reflect on marketing and the ethical aspects of advertising and marketing. In concrete terms, work will be done thematically around various advertising topics (e.g. marketing of 'dark side consumption' such as gambling, alcohol, vaping, … in combination with emerging forms of 'food marketing' and 'influencer marketing') and this from a critical, ethical perspective. The course is based on scientific research, legal sources as well as insights and practices from the professional field.
  • Digital marketing: a focus on the most important theories, strategies and tools in the field of digital marketing, with attention to ethical issues as well as to the daily practices based on a group assignment where students set up, implement and assess an online marketing campaign.

These in-depth courses allow students to become familiar with the most recent developments in the field as well as with the future labor market. The connection with the professional field is further strengthened by the course Strategic communication challenges. Within this course, students work in groups on specific issues related to strategic communication from the perspective of a communication agency.

To complete the Master programme, students have to write a Master’s dissertation.

Elective courses and internship

Apart from the obligatory courses, students can further customize their programme by choosing elective courses. Students can also opt for studies abroad or for an internship. The latter can be a research internship or an internship within the professional field of communication management. 

Labour Market

Graduates in the specialisation in Communication Management find employment in various sectors and functions. Students establish careers in strategic communication agencies, advertising and PR agencies, media companies. They often help steer the internal or external communication services of companies in every possible sector.


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