
The Department of Communication Sciences distinguishes itself with a broad academic programme. Our goal is to educate competent, academic and critical media and communication specialists. We believe in the power of synergy between education, society and the labour market.

This vision stresses the necessity to consider media and communication as ‘the heart of social, cultural, political and economic life’. We conceive the research domain as a complex, multidisciplinary field with room for both research and theory. We value both the practical and the academical.

Our central pillars are complexity, centrality, multidisciplinarity, disciplinary openness and dialogue. This viewpoint on the field of media and communication is typical of the Communication Sciences programme at Ghent University. This vision translates into four core values.

A broad perspective enables focus

The Bachelor programme of Communication Sciences at Ghent University focuses on multidisciplinary and social scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes. It lays the foundations for the specialisations in the Master programme.

A diverse programme offers students the necessary insights into several scientific disciplines such as sociology, psychology, political sciences, economy, law and philosophy.

Interaction education – research

The programme in Communication Sciences at Ghent University is one of a kind in Flanders. Our master programme is the only educational platform that offers four specialisations that are each backed by a separate research group. By integrating scientific work in the lesson plan, we facilitate the exchange between research and education.

The backing of these research groups gives students the chance to further explore a wide array of domain specific research methods. This ensures that they are able to perform independent scientific research. This applies to both the bachelor and master programme.

Interaction research – society/labour market

The Communication Sciences programme at Ghent University is a broad and differentiated academic educational programme that leaves room for practice oriented skills.

This differentiation allows students to customise their programme, also in function of the labour market. The programme stimulates dialogue with the professional world.

The programmes strives to educate critical citizens with the necessary academic skills. In addition, they should also have acquired the necessary knowledge about society and their future places of employment.

Dare to think about communication

In conclusion, the Communication Sciences programme at Ghent University aims to instil the necessary knowledge and skills to professionally deal with communication in a critical and independent fashion.

This goal refers to the Ghent University slogan (“Dare to Think”). We focus on the analysis of the characteristics and impact of developments in the various communication fields. We want to imprint students with a drive for lifelong learning and finally educate vocal and assertive media specialists.