Info exams and feedback

General information

Examination Codes

Education and Examination Code

Faculty Education and Examination Code


Exam schedule

Your individual exam calendar can be consulted on Oasis ('My calendar', left column).

The starting time of an exam may vary. You can find the starting time in the comment section of every exam in Oasis.

Changes in the exam calendar remain possible. As a student, you are obliged to regularly check your individual exam calendar and take into account any changes.

  • Exam schedule for the first-term examination period by 1 December at the latest.
  • Exam schedule for the second-term examination period by 22 March  at the latest.
  • Exam schedule for the resit examination period by 17 July at the latest.

Register for resit exams

From this academic year onwards, we ask you to confirm your participation in the resit exams.
For each resit exam in which you will participate, you will have to register by 8 August 2024, at the latest.
With this procedure, we want to optimise the exam logistics and make sure they run as smoothly as possible, e.g. by providing a more accurate number of exam copies.

Registering for exams during the resit exam period:

  • via > Configuration schedule groups
  • from the day after the public announcement of exam results until 8 August 2024
  • your exam schedule will show all exams, whether you have registered for them or not

Q: What happens if I forgot to register before the deadline?
A: Even then, you are still entitled to your second exam opportunity. We will put in place a procedure for late registration but please don't wait for that. If you intend to participate, please register in time.

Q: I did not register for an exam.  Do I have an extra exam opportunity now?
A: No.  If you do not participate, you forfeit your resit exam and you will not get an extra exam opportunity at a later date.

Examination Office

The permanent Examination Office (=Faculty Student Administration) can be contacted for all questions and comments about the exam schedule, as well as the following:

  • changes of address during the examinations
  • changes to the exam schedule
  • certified absences
  • all events which may jeopardize the exam schedule or prejudice the smooth course of examination proceedings.

Absence during the exam period: Illness/overlap...

Agreement accordingly the acceptance of Medical Certificates within the Flemish Universities:

(Education and Examination code - art 75 §4)

"Any absences need to be reported to the Examination Office as soon as possible and no later than the day of the exam. Students who believe that they have a well-founded reason to be absent are required to submit the original supporting documents to the examination secretary as soon as possible and no later than three working days after the examination concerned.
In case of illness or accident, a medical certificate is required from a doctor who declares that he or she effectively examined the students at the latest on the day of the missed examination and established the illness or the consequences of the accident himself or herself. Certificates are not accepted if they only report the student’s explanation (i.e. dixit notes) or if they were drawn up after the day of the illness or accident (i.e. certificates after the event). Doctor’s certificates dealing with (particular) sports activities need to specify the activities in which the student cannot take part."

Practical arrangement in case of illness/overlap:

  • Register your absence 

Register here

  • Within three working days after the exam for which you were ill.
  • BEFORE the regular exam in case of overlap:

    No later than December 19, 2022 for the first-semester examination period
    No later than April 28, 2023 for the second-semester examination period
    No later than August 7, 2023 for the resit examination period

    For overlap, it is sufficient to upload your exam schedule at registration.
  • A deferred examination within the same exam period will appear in your personal exam schedule after approval of your registration of illness/overlap.
  • When taking your deferred examination, you will have to present your doctor's note to the lecturer.

Grade of Merit

The grade of merit obtained by the student for a study programme is expressed as follows:

  • cum fructu (at least 500 out of 1000)
  • cum laude (at least 675 out of 1000)
  • magna cum laude (at least 750 out of 1000)
  • summa cum laude (at least 825 out of 1000)

Examination Results announcement

After each examination period, your Transcript of Records is available on Oasis.

Proclamation dates can be found here.


First check the course on Ufora for feedback moments. In case there is no information, please contact the department secretariat.


Faculty ombudsperson

Institutional ombudsperson

Institutional Appeals Committee (art. 100 of the Education and Examination Code)