Opening hours and closing days
Opening hours
In general the library is open daily on working days from 09:00 until 16:00.
Last-minute changes of opening hours are possible.
Check the detailed opening hours for the next three weeks.
Closing days academic year 2023 - 2024
- Friday February 7, 2025: professionalisationday library staff
- Friday March 21, 2025: Dies Natalis UGent
- Monday april 21, 2025: Easter monday
- Thursday mei 1, 2025: Labourday
- Wednesday mei 21, 2025: closing event game "Maatschappijwetenschappen EDUMA"
- Thursday 29 and Friday 30 mai: Ascension day and collective holiday
- Monday juni 9, 2025: Pentecost Monday
- Friday juli 11, 2025: Day of the Flemish Community
- Mondag 21 to Friday 25 july: collective holiday "Gentse Feesten"
- Friday august 15, 2025: Assumption day