PhD students
Interested in doing doctoral research at PS
- Apply for an open position
- Approach a supervisor
- Please include your research proposal and work plan, curriculum vitae, scan of your highest degree, short motivation and possible funding opportunities
- More information for incoming PhD students
General information
- Faculty administration for PhD
- Faculty charter for researchers and supervisors
- Doctoral schools
- UGent for PhD students
- Welcome days UGent and faculty for all new international students
- Information for staff and researchers at PS
- New at UGent - ask for your buddy
- Mobility and career
- Ombudsperson
Guidelines, regulations, funding opportunities
- Ethical protocol
- Faculty administration for PhD
- Faculty doctoral regulations
- Faculty research fund regulations
- Faculty fund application forms
- Registration of research activities (stay abroad, training, conferences,....)
- Recognition and funding for training via Doctoral Schools - reimbursement by Doctoral Schools