Jasmien Luypaert
Jasmien Luypaert is a PhD candidate at the Department of Political Science at Ghent University. She holds a master’s degree in Political Science - Belgian politics (2020, Ghent University). Her main research interests are party competition, party strategies and party change, with a particular focus on mainstream parties. Jasmien currently prepares a PhD dissertation (FWO; 2020-2024) in which these topics will be combined. Her research goal is finding which combinations of strategies can counter the electoral decline of West-European mainstream parties.
Research focus
- Mainstream parties
- Party competition
- Party strategies
Go to full research profile.
Address: Campus UFO - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent
Email: Jasmien.Luypaert@UGent.be
Twitter: @LuypaertJasmien