Prof. dr. Nicolas Bouteca
Nicolas Bouteca is an associate professor at the Department of Political Sciences of Ghent University. He teaches a number of introductory and specialized courses in the master and bachelor ‘Political Science’ such as Belgian Federalism, Introduction to Political Sciences and Contemporary Issues in Belgian Politics. His research is mainly focused on political parties with a specific interest in their election manifestos, but he is also interested in parliamentary activity of MPs and Belgian federalism. Several articles on these subjects have been published in journals such as Party Politics, Political Studies, Regional and Federal Studies and Acta Politica.
Research focus
- Political parties
- Electoral manifestos
- Parliamentary activity
- Belgian federalism
Go to full research profile.
- Introduction to political science
- Current political problems
- Belgian federalism
- Internship
- Master's dissertation seminar
Address: Campus UFO - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent
Phone: + 32 9 264 67 54
Twitter: @NicolasBouteca