Dr. Robin Devroe
Robin Devroe is a senior researcher at the Department of Political Sciences of Ghent University. She holds a master’s degree in Political Sciences (2013, Ghent University) and a master’s degree in Public Management and Public Policy (2014, Ghent University). Her main research interest is the study of the political representation of diverse social groups and voting behavior, with a specific focus on the descriptive representation of women, and she has a fascination for experimental methods. Her doctoral work (2019, Ghent University) focused on the prevalence of political gender stereotypes among Flemish voters. In the past Robin was a visiting scholar at Texas A&M University (2018, US) and is now FWO postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University. Presently, Robin is also co-convenor of the ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics and co-president of the Ghent University Postdoc Community.
Research focus
- Political representation
- Voting behaviour
- Experimental methods
Go to full research profile.
- Political science II: capita selecta
- Methods in political science
- Master's dissertation seminar
Address: Campus UFO - Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent
Email: Robin.Devroe@UGent.be
Twitter: @RobinDevroe