Martina Chiara Tallarita

Credits: Eduard Delputte

Martina Chiara Tallarita is a PhD student at Ghent University, Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, and UNU-CRIS. She holds a Bachelor and a Master degree in Philosophy from the University of Milan (Statale). She completed her Master thesis at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. She was also a research trainee at the chair for International Political Theory at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and a research assistant at the Paris School of Economics.

As PhD fellow, Martina Chiara Tallarita works on global relational equality and critical theory.  Starting from a focus on North-South postcolonial relations, particularly Africa-EU partnerships, she aims to offer a relational account of equality that transcends state borders. Her work critically engages with systems of domination and oppression through a unified perspective that brings together race, gender, and class. She seeks to advance a more comprehensive understanding of global justice, accounting for the interconnected nature of power and inequality across different contexts.

Research interests

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