Irina Ferencz

Irina Ferencz joined the CHEGG team as PhD candidate in February 2017. In her doctoral research, she explores how organisational identity and internationalisation activities shape the ways in which universities – of applied sciences (UAS), in particular – try to reposition themselves in the national and international higher education systems.

Irina holds an MSc degree in European Politics and Policies (KU Leuven, 2008, Magna cum laude) and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and European Studies (Babeş-Bolyai University, 2007).

In parallel to pursuing her doctoral studies, Irina is director of the Brussels-based Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) since 2008, most recently as Deputy Director. Through her research work and project management at ACA, Irina has developed a specific interest and expertise in the area of student and staff mobility in the European context (data collections, trends, and policies). She has equally focused on internationalisation policies at university and national level, the development of internationalisation indicators, and the multi-level assessment of internationality. All in all, she is interested in comparative analysis across various aspects of international higher education.

Over the years Irina has authored, co-authored and co-edited multiple publications. She currently also serves as a member of the Publications Committee of the European Association for International Education (EAIE).

Research interests

  • Organisational identity and image
  • Internationalisation of higher education
  • Qualitative research methods
  • Universities of applied sciences (UAS)
  • Legitimacy strategies
