Prevent II


The main goal of this project is to gain a deeper understanding of how health and social policies can help decrease social and life course disparities in preventative measures during middle and early old age. Although prevention is crucial for healthy aging, social inequalities in preventive practices have remained consistent for decades in high-income countries. This project aims to address the reasons behind this phenomenon through an institutional perspective. The project is funded by FWO & SNFS, and carried out in collaboration with Prof. Sorana Toma (Ghent University, Department of Public Health and Primary Care), Prof. Stéphane Cullati (University of Fribourg) and Prof. Claudine Jeangros-Burton (University of Geneva). Prof. Piet-Bracke acts as co-supervisor of the project.



Prof. Sorana Toma (Ghent University, Department of Public Health and Primary Care), Prof. Stéphane Cullati (PI; University of Fribourg) and Prof. Claudine Jeangros-Burton (University of Geneva).