Valentien Taeldeman
Status: Phd researcher
Valentien Taeldeman obtained a Master of Science in Sociology at Ghent University. Moreover, her master’s thesis investigated the perception of intermediaries in the Flemish integration policy on their role in the accessibility of mental healthcare for people with a migration background.
In March 2024 Valentien started working at Hedera as a PhD student. She will work on the BELSPO-project DistantButClose, focusing on loneliness and social isolation within the context of a health crisis. She will also contribute to the FWO-project on Divorce in Flanders, which focuses union formation and union dissolution. Her quantitative PhD-trajectory will center on ‘Linked lives’ as a life course principle in shaping preventive practices. She is working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Piet Bracke and Dr. Katrijn Delaruelle.