OKANA, The Organisation Against Drugs Of Greece
OKANA, part of the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, works together with national (ministries, treatment programmes, local government authorities, universities etc.), European and international organisations (the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, the World Health Organisation, the United Nations etc.). To look into the drug problem in Greece, OKANA works closely with the Greek Reitox Focal Point (National Documentation and Information Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction - EKTEPN).
website: http://www.okana.grNational Documentation and Information Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction, Greek Reitox Focal Point
The Greek Focal Point operates in the context of the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). It is one of the 16 National Focal Points including Norway, of EMCDDA?s European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction (REITOX). In November 1993, the University Mental Health Research Institute (UMHRI) was commissioned by the Greek Ministry of Health to create and operate the Greek Focal Point, which acquired a National Centre status in 1998, and has since been in charge of official and representative data collection on drugs for Greece. It also cooperates with all UMHRI-related departments.