BISC Conference 12.03.2025

12-03-2025 van 09:00 tot 17:00
Club Prince Albert, Rue des Petits Carmes 20, 1000 Brussels
Door wie
BISC | Belgian Intelligence Studies Centre

GRACE Conference - 12 March 2025 - “The Resilience Imperative: building strength in uncertain times” - Ghent University

Programma (PDF)

09.00 – 09.30  Arrival of the guests

09.30 – 09.45  Opening conference - Prof. dr. Marc Cools (Founder-Honorary President BISC – Ghent University)

09.45 – 10.15  “Resilience in governance to counter hybrid threats; a coordinated whole-of-society approach.” - Johan Schalin (Hybrid Centre of Excellence)

10.15 – 10.45  “NATO’s Approach to Counter Information Threats and Enhancing Societal Resilience.” - Beaudine Verhoek (NATO)

10.45 – 11.15  Coffee break

11.15 – 11.45  “Protect, Strengthen, Prepare: the achievements of the Belgian EU Presidency in deterring FIMI and hybrid threats.” - Peter Booms (Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU)

11.45 – 12.15  “Reflections on resilience and take aways from the Zagreb Security Forum 2024.” - Gordan Akrap (Hybrid Warfare Research Institute)

12.15 – 13.15  Lunch

13.15 – 13.45  “Resilience and Defence of Belgium, a military perspective.” - Bart Hubrechtsen (Belgian Defence)

13.45 – 14.15  “Is a little bit of war kicking us out of our peaceful comfort zone? The need for and the development of national resilience in Belgium.” - Jorn Bronselaer (National Crisis Centre)

14.15 – 14.45  "How to improve cyber resilience? The Belgian approach" - Phédra Clouner (Centre for Cyber Security Belgium)

14.45 – 15.15  Break

15.15 – 15.45  “A Port in a storm, the role of the port authority within today’s geopolitical context.” -  Niels Vanlaer (Harbour Master’s Office)

15.45 – 16.15  “Critical infrastructure within the STIE (Security Technology & Innovation Ecosystem).” - Chris Bombeke (BISC)

16.15 – 16.45  “Reflections on resilience from a Belgian political perspective.” - Koen Metsu (Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives)

16.45 – 17.00  Closing remarks - Prof. dr. Marc Cools (Founder-Honorary President BISC – Ghent University)

Presidents of the conference:

Kathleen Van Acker (ADIV – BISC)

Robin Libert (BISC – RUSRA-KUIAD)

Practical information:

Cost and registration: 145 Euro.

Included: drinks, lunch and scientific journal ‘Cahiers Inlichtingenstudies – Cahiers d’Etudes du Renseignement – Journal of Intelligence Studies nr. 14’.

Price for students and alumni Intelligence Studies UGent-ULiège: 45 Euro without the journal, 85 Euro with the journal.

Registration: people who are interested must register via Congrezzo.

You will receive a confirmation e-mail. The subscription is definite after payment.

Access to the event is only granted upon receipt of payment. Participants need to be able to present their proof of payment at the entrance.

Please note that refunds are not possible.

Please, subscribe quickly as seats are limited.

Language: The presentations will be given in English.

Dress code ‘Prince Albert Club’: city attire or uniform. Not allowed: jeans, sports shoes, T-shirts…


During this conference the “Chatham House Rule” applies!

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