Arbitration, Commercial law & Tax law Arbitration, Commercial law & Tax law IAReporter Investment Arbitration Reporter is a news and analysis service focusing on the international law that applies to foreign investment, , particularly the international investment treaties and arbitration claims IIA Navigator International Investment Agreements Navigator by UNCTAD: database of international investment agreements ICSID Database of Bilateral Investment Treaties Database of bilateral investment treaties of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Kluwer Arbitration Specialized online database for international arbitration by Kluwer Permanent Court of Arbitration Cases Overview of current and past cases at the Permanent Court of Arbitration Reports of International Arbitral Awards UNCITRAL Texts Texts of the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law United Nations Appeals Tribunal Overview of judgments and orders by the United Nations Appeals Tribunal United Nations Dispute Tribunal Overview of judgments and orders by the United Nations Dispute Tribunal WIPO-Administered Treaties Overview of treaties administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization World Bank Global Preferential Trade Agreements Database WTO Agreements Overview of texts of WTO agreements WTO Database on Preferential Trade Arrangements WTO Dispute Settlement Overview of dispute settlement by the WTO WTO Regional Trade Agreements Database Yale Law School Tax Treaty Database
Arbitration, Commercial law & Tax law Arbitration, Commercial law & Tax law IAReporter Investment Arbitration Reporter is a news and analysis service focusing on the international law that applies to foreign investment, , particularly the international investment treaties and arbitration claims IIA Navigator International Investment Agreements Navigator by UNCTAD: database of international investment agreements ICSID Database of Bilateral Investment Treaties Database of bilateral investment treaties of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Kluwer Arbitration Specialized online database for international arbitration by Kluwer Permanent Court of Arbitration Cases Overview of current and past cases at the Permanent Court of Arbitration Reports of International Arbitral Awards UNCITRAL Texts Texts of the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law United Nations Appeals Tribunal Overview of judgments and orders by the United Nations Appeals Tribunal United Nations Dispute Tribunal Overview of judgments and orders by the United Nations Dispute Tribunal WIPO-Administered Treaties Overview of treaties administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization World Bank Global Preferential Trade Agreements Database WTO Agreements Overview of texts of WTO agreements WTO Database on Preferential Trade Arrangements WTO Dispute Settlement Overview of dispute settlement by the WTO WTO Regional Trade Agreements Database Yale Law School Tax Treaty Database